Immediately match your order to the best available market price.
If the current market price is $2,200, and you place a market order, your order will be filled immediately at the best available price for the order amount.
For buy orders, this could mean that the average filled price might be a bit higher than the current price.
For sell orders, this could mean that the average filled price might be a bit lower than the current price.
Buy at a specific price or better. There is a chance that the limit order does not execute.
If a user were to place a buy limit order, two instances could occur:
A stop limit order has both a stop price and a limit price. The stop price is a trigger for the limit order to be placed. Until the stop price is reached, the limit order is not activated.
For a buy stop limit order, the stop price must be placed above the current market price, however the limit price can be set either above or below the stop price:
Immediately match your order to the best available market price.
If the current price is $2,200, and you place a market order, your order will be filled immediately at the best available price for the order amount.
For buy orders, this could mean that the average filled price might be a bit higher than the current price.
For sell orders, this could mean that the average filled price might be a bit lower than the current price.
Sell at a specific price or better. There is a chance that the limit order does not execute.
If a user were to place a sell limit order, two instances could occur:
A stop limit order has both a stop price and a limit price. The stop price is a trigger for the limit order to be placed. Until the stop price is reached, the limit order is not activated.
For a sell stop limit order, the stop price must be placed below the current market price, however the limit price can be set either above or below the stop price: